Meet The Therapists

Gail Naas, LMT, CT
Licensed Massage and Colon Hydrotherapist
FL License # MA11404
Gail Naas has been a practicing Colon Hydrotherapist and body therapist since 1991, specializing in Colon Hydrotherapy, CranioSacral Therapy and Avazzia Interactive Microcurrent pain treatments.
Ms. Naas is certified through the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) at the most advanced practitioner and instructor levels, as well as through the National Board of Colon Hydrotherapy. Gail is a Past-President of I-ACT and has served on numerous committees throughout the years. She trains and mentors select Colon Hydrotherapists for Florida licensure.
CranioSacral Therapy is one of Gail’s first loves. She has completed advanced level trainings and has assisted in teaching for the prestigious Upledger Institute.
Ms. Naas is excited to include in her therapeutic offerings the Avazzia Interactive Microcurrent treatments for pain. She is a qualified trainer for the Avazzia products, and is currently teaching classes approved for Florida Licensed Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists for continuing education.
Additionally, Gail has been both a speaker and participant at numerous health industry seminars, workshops and conferences.
Gail Naas, LMT, CT, has trained therapists to qualify them for I-ACT and NBCHT as well as licensure in the State of Florida. Ms. Naas is a proud member of the Florida State Massage Therapy Association and has served on numerous committees and the Broward Chapter Board.

Gide Pierre, LMT CT LNC
Licensed Massage Therapist and Colon Hydrotherapist
Licensed Nutritional Counselor
FL License #MA9264 NC329
Gide Pierre, aka Mr. Flush, has been a practicing Colon Hydrotherapist, Nutrition counselor and
massage therapist since 1987.
His education includes American Institute of Massage, Clayton College, American College of
Nutrition, Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center, and North American Division Evangelism Institute.
Using a truly holistic approach, Gide, trusts that faith in God, knowledge in natural therapy and the
body’s own natural ability to heal, helps clients reach their health goals.

Argentina Adina Ambrosimov, LMT CT
Licensed Massage Therapist and Colon Hydrotherapist
Licensed Facial Specialist
FL License # MA 415813, FB9714406
Adina Ambrosimov, born in Romania, continues the European flavor of quality and service that
Elena Europa Spa is known for.
Always interested in self-care and nurturing techniques for family and friends, Adina’s curiosity led
to a Physical Therapy Aide Program. Moving to America in 2002 she quickly became enamored with massage therapy, aesthetics and colon hydrotherapy.
Combining all that knowledge and expertise, Adina can truly help you achieve health and beauty
from the inside out!
Colon Hydrotherapy
Your Choice for Health can Start Here
Services and education provided are supportive to the body’s ability to achieve wellness through natural methods. We are dedicated to the client’s maximum level of health.